Healthy Eating Maximizes your Recovery

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Addiction
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Addiction
January 11, 2018
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Recovery goes beyond not drinking or using drugs. Recovery emcompasses a new way of thinking and new ways to live. One of those new ways to live involves the food you put in your body.

Alcohol is filled with empty calories, and drugs diminish or increase your appetite. Either way, drug and alcohol use wasn’t healthy for your body. Eating healthy actually helps your system detox and gives you mental clarity.

Water is super important. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day helps your system detox. Drinking water is like taking a shower on the inside of your body. Water helps to clean out your digestive system, lungs, and gives you brain power.

Greens, greens, and more greens. Lean meats, fresh fruits, and whole grains are also key. A healthy diet of greens, grains, and protein helps repair the damage caused by substance use. For recovering alcoholics this is especially important. Alcohol depletes your body of necessary vitamins like thiamin and vitamin C. The more you put back in your body the better.

A little sweet is okay, just don’t overdo it. Yes, this means an occasional dessert is okay. Recovery is not about depriving yourself of life’s pleasures. Consider mixing it up a little with dark chocolate and fresh fruit based desserts. If you do feel a craving for a hot fudge drenched,  triple chocolate cake with extra whip cream go for it. Just remember that moderation is key!

When you were using alcohol and drugs you were not living as healthy as you could be. Even if you did take time to exercise or eat healthy, the alcohol or drugs wreaked havoc on your body. Now that you are sober, eating healthy is really important. In fact, eating healthier helps you increase mental clarity and focus on your recovery.

Try not to overwhelm yourself with nutrition. Instead, consider talking to an expert on the importance of nutrition and recovery. You don’t have to deprive yourself of life’s delicacies but incorporating better eating habits will benefit your mental health.. At The Kimberly Center, we care about your physical health just as much as we care about your recovery.

The Kimberly Center can help you navigate all aspects of your recovery, including nutrition. Call us now at 855-4-KCENTER. We are committed to putting you and your health first. At the Kimberly Center, our clients are in trusted hands.

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