What To Do If you Feel Suicidal

Sunlight and Recovery
Sunlight and Recovery
July 16, 2018
Turning to Mindfulness When Life is Challenging
Turning to Mindfulness When Life is Challenging
July 18, 2018

If you came across this article, seeking answers, you have come to the right place. If you feel like suicide is the answer, please reach out for help. You can call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Crisis counselors are available by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Survivors of suicide attempts often report that they felt hopeless and that there was no way out of their present situation. While this seems like reality in the moment, this is not true. Calling a crisis line is a good first step towards healing.

After dealing with the immediate feelings by calling a crisis hotline, you need to make an appointment to talk with a therapist. Therapists are professionals who are trained to work with people in recovery, with depression, anxiety, grief, stress, and suicidal ideation. A therapist can help you understand why you feel that ending life is the only solution. A therapist will validate and normalize your experiences, and help you learn coping skills to get through difficult times in life.

If you don’t have access to a therapist right away, reach out to a trusted friend. Calling the crisis hotline is a good first step, but treatment does not stop there. Even if you feel the need to isolate, call a trusted friend or family member to come over and spend time with you.

Emotions and feelings are ever changing. How you feel today, does not mean you will feel this way tomorrow or next week. Suicide is permanent, but feeling distressed and sad is not permanent. The feelings will pass if you reach out to someone you trust and work through your hardships.

Even though it may not feel like it, your absence would create emptiness for those who care about you. Even if your thoughts are telling you that no one cares or understands, trust that there absolutely are people who love you.

If these options are not helpful at the moment, and after hanging up with the crisis line, you still feel hopeless, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Your life is worth saving. Hospital emergency rooms often have crisis counselors that can listen to you and help you get the treatment that you need. Addiction, depression, grief, and sadness do not have to be permanent. There is hope.

At The Kimberly Center, we want to help you succeed in your recovery. Call us now at 855-4-KCENTER to learn more about what treatment means for you. We are committed to helping you stop the cycle of addiction with education and treatment. At the Kimberly Center, you can trust that you are in safe hands.

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