Twelfth Month: Twelfth Step

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December 5, 2018
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How to Use Your Recovery Principles to Deal with Difficult People
December 7, 2018

With each passing month, a 12-Step program observes the number of a step that goes along with the number of the current month. For instance, the twelfth month of December goes along with looking at the Twelfth Step that appears in daily literature and comes up in discussion meetings. The point of looking at the twelfth step on the twelfth month is to let members of a 12-Step program dig deeper into the meaning of this step while helping them understand how to better apply the twelfth step into their daily life.

“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”

Step twelve is an important part of a recovery program and consists of three parts. The first being that you would have a spiritual experience during the time that you worked the steps up until that point meaning that you will have changed your outlook on life and in your values. In making this sometimes-drastic shift in you recovery, you are able to stop being self-seeking with your addiction and start being of service to others.

The second part of the twelfth step is the foundation of a 12-Step program which began with one person talking to another to stay sober together. Doing so allowed the first members of the program to relate to each other when they felt like no one could understand what they were going through. By sharing the past and looking at the solution in the present, these people who wanted nothing more than to stop their addictive behaviors stayed sober one day at a time with the support of one another.

This occurrence proved that sharing experience, strength, and hope with others who suffer from the same malady as you could be the very thing that helps both of you to stay sober when feeling weak in the moment. Instead of giving into triggers and cravings, being of service allows you to stop thinking about you and start thinking of what you can do for others. Some of the most influential ways you can be of service is by taking commitments at meetings, taking meetings into jails and institutions, sponsoring people in the program, sharing in a meeting, and really doing anything within reason to be of service to someone who is less fortunate than you.

The third part of this step is to practice the principles in all your affairs. In order to do this, you must continue to walk the walk of steps one through twelve every single day with the mentality of “progress rather than perfection”. With a 12-Step point of view, you can become the person that your Higher Power wants you to be.   

The Kimberly Center can help someone who struggles with drugs and alcohol a chance to begin a new life in recovery. Our fundamental goal is to restore an individual with a healthier, happier, and more productive life through recovery measures.

Call us today to begin: 855-4-KCENTER (855-452-3683)  

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