Stress Relief Hobbies in Recovery

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If you struggle with a substance use disorder, you may turn to drugs or alcohol when you feel stressed out or sad. Substance use can serve as a crutch to help cope with those negative emotions. After going through treatment and embarking on the recovery journey, you will no longer have that crutch to lean on in times of stress.

That is why it is critical to learn about healthy, positive stress relief techniques that you can turn to in times of need. By doing this, you can end up preventing a possible relapse.

The Benefits of the Great Outdoors During Recovery

There are many proven mental health benefits associated with spending time outside in nature. In today’s modern society, you are often surrounded by distractions throughout most of the day. These distractions can come in the form of television, social media, text messages, phone calls, music, and much more. Sometimes this overstimulation can become overpowering, which leads to feelings of stress and mental exhaustion.

By going out and immersing yourself in nature, you are able to leave many of these distractions behind. You can find a greater sense of mental focus and overall well-being. Studies show that spending time in nature can lower cortisol levels, reduce feelings of stress, and decrease your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

It is no secret that when you are at your physical best, you are better equipped to handle mental stress. The outdoors provides many opportunities to get your body moving. Some common outdoor activities include walking, hiking, swimming, kayaking, or any other form of getting your heart rate up.

The Benefits of Eating a Well Balanced Diet During Recovery

You may not realize how much what you put into your body impacts your overall mental health, not just physical health. No matter how much you exercise or how physically fit you are, if you are still fueling your body with unhealthy or processed foods, your mental health will suffer as a result.

It can be common to use food to self-medicate against feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. This can lead to additional problems down the line, such as weight gain, obesity, and heart disease.

If you find that you struggle to make good decisions regarding food, it may be beneficial to work with a nutritionist. They can help you figure out smart options to consider while going grocery shopping and help you plan nutritious meals that will keep you full and energized.

If you are in recovery from drugs or alcohol, you could be deficient in specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients as a result of substance abuse. A nutritionist can help you determine what foods you should incorporate into your diet to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrition that you need. Remember that when you take care of your physical health, your mental health will improve as well.

The Benefits of Finding a New Passion in Recovery

Engaging in substance use may once have been your top priority and main hobby on your recovery journey. It could have even been something that took up most of your time and focus. Now that this is no longer an option, it is crucial to find alternative activities that you are passionate about instead.

If you are unsure what new passions you should focus on, consider something you once enjoyed doing before engaging in substance use. Maybe it was something that fell by the wayside once you began engaging in substance use because you no longer had the time or resources for it.

Perhaps it is getting into shape at the gym, expressing yourself through art or photography, or even something simple like reading new, engaging books. If nothing comes to mind, you may want to consider picking up a new hobby.

Some examples include:

  • Taking an exercise class
  • Learning to play an instrument
  • Joining a book club
  • Take to journaling or bullet journaling
  • Taking a pottery class
  • Starting your own blog
  • Volunteering at a local animal shelter
  • Learning a new language

All of these things can help you find a sense of passion again while allowing you to grow as a person.

Investing in Therapy While in Recovery

Learning to practice healthy coping mechanisms for stress can be a challenge at first. If you find yourself struggling, consider speaking with a therapist regularly. They can help you work through your emotions and uncover ways to manage your stress in positive, effective ways to prevent relapse in the future.

Many people turn to drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with feelings of stress and anxiety. Once an individual begins their recovery journey, they must engage in new coping methods. Thus, it is critical to uncover alternative outlets to manage stress without turning to substance use as a crutch. One of the best things you can do to relieve stress is to get outside in nature. Spending time outdoors has been proven to benefit mental health. You may also want to consider implementing a nutritious diet, find new passions or activities to focus on, and invest in therapy to keep stress and anxiety at bay. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, the time to seek help is now. Our team at The Kimberly Center is here to help you take back control of your life and heal from addiction. Call (855) 452-3683 today to learn more about treatment options. 

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