Why Exploring Your Area Increases Creativity and Reduces Cravings

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Why Exploring Your Area Increases Creativity and Reduces Cravings

Getting out of your routines and exploring what is in your environment can increase your sense of self. Being a part of your community heightens your sense of belonging and creates bonds with others. A community can help you thrive and protect you from the effects of mental health disorders like depression or anxiety. When you isolate yourself and feel overwhelmed or hopeless, you might turn to substances to help you socialize. Involvement in your community can decrease urges to use substances, increase mental well-being, and help you find yourself.

Get out and explore your community. You never know what you will discover. It could be anything from a new path or people with similar interests. Take a moment to step away from responsibilities and connect with your true self. Many benefits will come from this new connection, including the following.


Maybe you don’t feel like you fit anywhere. Feeling like the odd one out or being awkward when around others can increase your reluctance to socialize with those you know. However, feeling isolated or different can prevent you from joining groups that have the same interests as you. When you take a step and try to join a group, whether it’s a short get-together or an extended time, you can begin to establish a sense of belonging. As you become more comfortable in the group, you can expand your boundaries and express your true self. Any group you join should be a welcoming, non-judgmental place where others accept, support, and appreciate your uniqueness.


When you are part of a community, you recognize that certain people fill specific roles. Perhaps you like to plan and coordinate events. Maybe you want to express yourself through music, dance, or art. Whatever you do is an expression of who you are and what role you play in your group. Find what you enjoy and excel at, and follow your passion.

What if you don’t know your purpose? Step back and assess how you interact with others. Are you the person others turn to when they need to talk to someone? Do you pitch in and cook when needed? When you look at how you interact with others and the skills, you will find what gives you purpose.


At some point or another, you will need to receive support from others. The people you turned to for help are a part of your community. If finding a healthy support system is complicated, reach out to a therapist. When you seek help for mental or substance use disorders, you can find healthy coping skills. Also, throughout your treatment, you discover underlying causes of your addiction or mental health disorder. The combination of group and individual therapy can bolster your sense of community. Your friends in recovery accept and respect your unique needs and journey.

How to Join a Community

Get out and explore. You don’t know what your area has to offer unless you break away from your routine. Some ways to discover a community include following a community page on social media to find out what is going on in your area or being a tourist for a day. You can do an internet search to find out what is in your area. One fun way to find things to do is to find out what travel sites recommend tourists see when they are in your hometown. For example, if you live in or near Fort Myers, Florida, you can visit:

  • Edison & Ford Winter Estates. Throughout the year, the estates offer various experiences.  In addition, the estates provide a variety of volunteer opportunities.
  • Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge houses Florida panthers, alligators, and plants. You can become involved in a group focused on protecting the panther’s natural environment.
  • The Alliance for the Arts. Explore your inner artist. You can join a class and find people who share the same passion for art.

With the support of your therapist or recovery group, you can combine the benefits of counseling with holistic therapies.


What is important to you? Maybe it’s charity or volunteer work. When you find ways to help others, you also find others who enjoy service to those in need. Those with similar or identical causes often share your core values, also known as the values that reflect your true self.


Belief in religion, spiritual practices, holistic therapies, or the arts can motivate you. Join a class, a group, or a positive movement that focuses on what you believe. When you work towards a goal, you can increase your feeling of belonging. You also connect with others.

Communities can give you a feeling of self-worth and validation. There is safety and comfort when you know you have a tribe that supports and accepts you. The size of your circle of friends doesn’t matter. What matters is the quality of your friendships. If you no longer find interest or a common bond with your community, it’s okay. Your interests, passions, or priorities can change. Don’t be afraid to change your community to reflect your new interests.

People can find acceptance and comfort in their communities. As you grow and discover new opportunities or passions, give yourself the flexibility to shift. The exciting part of life is exploring your environment. When you break out of your routine, you invite new ways to think, build friendships, or create change. Healthy changes can decrease your need for substances because you learn to replace harmful stimuli with healthy habits. Find your tribe, join a group, seek individual or group counseling for a mental or substance use disorder. Do what is right for you. The Kimberly Center in Fort Myers provides a beautiful location to seek inner peace. Throughout your stay, you will find new activities to explore, people to support your journey, and chances to find your passion. Our belief is you deserve a place where your unique personality is nurtured back to health. Our commitment to your recovery is unparalleled. Call (855) 452-3683 to learn more.

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