Celebrating National Pets Day on April 11th

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National Pets Day is coming up on April 11th. This is a day to celebrate all your furry or feathered animal friends. We all love our pets; there is nothing better than greeting your dog or cat when you come home from a long day at work. Our animals certainly bring joy to our lives, but did you know that they can have other mental and physical benefits as well?

Pets can not only help decrease stress levels and fend off depression and anxiety, but they can help you stay healthy and fit as well. National Pet Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the mental and physical benefits that pets can bring. You might even consider adopting a new member into your family.

The Mental Health Benefits of Pets

Sometimes people can come and go from your life. They can get busy with work or their children. These people might not be able to be there for you as much or in the same way that they once were. But the one thing you can count on with pets is their loyalty.

The loyalty and companionship that pets offer us are unlike any other. They can help prevent loneliness and ease symptoms of depression and anxiety. This is one of the reasons why pets may particularly benefit those who live alone. No, pets might not be able to talk back to you, but they can provide you with a sense of love and support.

Dogs and cats, in particular, make for good service animals because they can help ease negative emotions. They live in the moment. This is why sitting down and petting them can help ease your nerves and help you to feel more grounded and present.

Pets can also help provide you with greater structure and routine. If you have a dog, you know that laying in bed all day when you’re feeling down is simply not an option. You have to get up and take care of them. Dogs need to be fed, walked, and played with. This structure is very beneficial for your mental health. Playing with them also helps to release serotonin, a feel-good hormone in your brain, which will boost your mood.

Another great thing that dogs can do is help connect you with others. When you are out in public with your pet, there may be other people who want to come up with their own animals and say hi. This is a great way to socialize and meet new people, which is another mental health benefit. Plus, you know that you’ll already have one thing in common with them: your shared love of dogs.

The Physical Benefits of Pets

No matter how big or small your dog is, it needs exercise. How much exercise depends on the dog, but it is often a good idea to make sure it gets several shorter walks or one long walk a day. This helps you to make sure to prioritize getting in your own exercise every day. Whether you’re going on a long trail out in nature or even just going around the block, you’re getting your blood pumping, which is a positive thing.

Getting this exercise every day can come with an array of health benefits. Not only can it help you live longer, but it can prevent your chance of diabetes and heart disease. It can help you to lose weight and get back into shape. This can help you look your best on the outside and feel your best on the inside.

There may be days when you simply don’t feel like going to the gym and working out. But when you have a dog that depends upon you, you know you’ll be getting at least some form of exercise every day.

Celebrating National Pets Day

There are lots of different ways to celebrate National Pet Day this year. Consider spending some extra quality time with your furry friend on this day or treating them to a special treat. Take them to a dog park where they can get some socialization with other dogs.

Maybe you don’t have a pet of your own, but still want to gain the mental and physical benefits animals can bring. If this is your case, consider volunteering for your local animal shelter. They are usually always looking for people to help out with walks and to just spend time with the animals. This way, you’re making a positive difference and getting the calming effects playing with dogs and cats can bring.

If you’re in the position to do so, consider adopting an animal in need of a home this year. Animal shelters are often overloaded, and being able to give one of these animals a home is a great thing to do.

Adopting a new pet is a big responsibility. But if you’re able to do so, it can make a huge positive difference in your life. You may also find that your mental and physical health improves as a result. When you’re in recovery from substance misuse, learning positive and effective ways to manage stress is very important in preventing relapse. The Kimberly Center has helped many people take their lives back from substance misuse. We want to help you too. If you’re ready to make a positive change in your life, call our team at (855) 452-3683 today. We will answer any questions you may have about the types of services we provide. 

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