February 6: National Time to Talk Day

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February 6 is National Time to Talk Day. This observance is intended to spread awareness about mental health disorders, eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health disorders, and encourage those who are struggling to seek treatment. So many people who struggle with mental health disorders are afraid of reaching out for help or don’t believe that doing so will actually make a difference. Many others carry unnecessary guilt or shame because of their mental health.

It’s for these reasons that we must talk about mental health issues. This is something that can affect anybody, regardless of age, background, race, or gender. It is not something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. There is hope for everyone.

Understanding the Importance of Talking About Mental Health

Talking about mental health is not only important, but it could also be potentially life-saving. When mental health disorders are severe and left untreated, they can result in an increased risk of suicidal thoughts. They can also cause an individual to fall into substance misuse as a way to cope, only to end up struggling with addiction.

We can acknowledge that we have come a long way as a society in terms of how we handle topics related to mental health. Years ago, someone struggling with their mental health would likely have faced unhelpful judgment and ridicule. In this atmosphere and with this lack of understanding, little would be done to actually help the person get better.

Today, mental health disorders are handled quite differently, and there are many more treatment options for those who struggle. However, despite the amount of progress made, there is always more that can be done. Nobody should feel afraid or ashamed to reach out and get the help that they need.

One of the reasons we must continue to discuss mental health issues is to end stigma, a negative or discriminative attitude that one may have toward mental health problems in general or toward a particular individual. This stigma can come out in how a person treats this individual or how they speak to them. Stigma can be detrimental to those who struggle with mental health disorders. Facing stigma can cause the individual to feel as if their disorder is their fault. It may also cause them to put off getting the professional help that they really need.

Different Ways to Participate in Time to Talk Day

There are many ways you can participate in Time to Talk Day, depending upon where you are at in life and what you’re comfortable with. Even the small things you do can make a difference. For example, you could share the hashtag #timetotalk on Twitter or post some statistics about mental health on social media. You never know who might learn from your post. These actions may even help convince someone to take the brave step toward getting help.

If you are comfortable enough, you could even consider sharing your own experiences with mental health, whether on social media or in person. Your honesty and vulnerability can help others feel like they are not alone. This can positively affect listeners, allowing them to understand that someone else went through what they are going through and manage to achieve relief.

Perhaps, one of the best things you can do on this day is to reach out to someone you believe is struggling with their mental health. Provide them with a listening ear and encourage them to share what they are going through. Don’t try to minimize or explain away their emotions. Rather, listen and assure them that they are not alone. You can also encourage them to seek professional help by contacting a therapist or primary care physician.

Recognizing That It’s Your Time to Talk

Perhaps you have been struggling with a mental health problem for some time but have been putting off seeking treatment for any number of reasons. For instance, you may not want to accept that you have a problem or believe that you can take care of it on your own. Furthermore, you may have accepted your mental health disorder as your reality. In this way, you probably struggle to believe that recovery is possible for you.

No matter your situation, there is hope and you can get better. You don’t have to continue struggling with a mental health disorder on your own. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member and open up about how you’re feeling. Just talking about it can make a significant difference. In addition, make sure that you seek proper treatment whether through your doctor or another health care professional.

Hopefully, you will recognize through this awareness week that your time to talk is now and that you don’t have to struggle alone.

February 6 is National Time to Talk Day. This day is meant to spread awareness about mental health disorders, get rid of the stigma surrounding mental health disorders, and encourage those who are struggling to seek treatment. Talking about mental health topics is very important and can help save lives. When a mental health disorder is severe and left untreated for an extended period of time, it can lead to suicidal thoughts. It may also cause an individual to turn to substance misuse as a way to cope. Nobody should ever feel guilty or ashamed because of a mental health disorder. If you’re struggling with substance misuse, our team at The Kimberly Center can help. Call (855) 452-3683 today. 

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