March Observances Worth Celebrating This Spring

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March Observances Worth Celebrating This Spring

An important part of maintaining good mental health and keeping up a positive mindset is learning to look for the good in each day. One way to do this is by making the time to celebrate even the smaller observances and holidays each month. There is something each month worth celebrating, even in March. Making time to do this can give you something positive to focus on and look forward to.

There are several March observances and holidays to enjoy. Some examples include International Women’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, the first day of spring, and National Take a Walk in the Park Day. Consider making time to celebrate this month!

Celebrating International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is held each year on March 8th. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and advocate for women’s rights, not just here in the United States but around the world. This includes working toward equal pay and equal opportunity, which are some things that many women are still not able to enjoy.

Whether you are a woman or not, there are many ways that you can celebrate this day. Consider checking out some different charities that are focused on women’s empowerment. Some examples include the Global Fund for Women, the Malala Fund, and Women for Women International. Maybe you will feel called to donate or support these efforts in some way.

You can also consider supporting female-owned restaurants and businesses by purchasing their products or services. If you type the tag “women-owned” into Google, you should be connected to a list of locations that are near you.

This is also a great day to simply take the time to celebrate the women that have been positive influences in your life. Maybe this is your mother, a sister, an aunt, a grandma, or a former teacher. Take the opportunity to call them or write them a nice note telling them how much they mean to you.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day falls on Friday, March 17th. Whether you’re of Irish descent or not, you can still enjoy St. Patrick’s Day and celebrate Irish culture. Many people associate St. Patrick’s Day with going out, partying, and engaging in excessive drinking or substance use. While this is, of course, not possible for those in recovery, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate this holiday sober.

Consider hosting your own St. Patrick’s Day celebration at your home. This way, you’ll be the one making the rules, and you won’t have to worry about being tempted by any drinking or substance use. You can make a traditional Irish-themed meal to share with friends and family members and make green-colored mocktails for fun. You could also listen to Irish music or even learn an Irish-themed dance.

If there is one being held local to you, you may also consider attending a St. Patrick’s Day parade. This is a good way to support your local community while soaking up the excitement and energy of the crowd.

Celebrating the First Day of Spring

The first day of spring is Friday, March 20th. This is a day that many look forward to, especially those that live in areas with long and cold winters. The first day of spring brings the promise of warmer days ahead and the hope of new beginnings. This is a great day to kick off spring cleaning around the house. Keep in mind that clutter and mess can often lead to stress. By making sure that your living space is as organized as possible, you can set yourself up for success this season.

If the weather permits, consider spending some time outside and soaking up the sights and smells of the new season. You may also consider planting a spring garden or decorating your home.

Celebrating National Take a Walk in the Park Day

National Take a Walk in the Park Day is celebrated every year on March 30th. The intention of this day is to encourage people to reconnect with the outdoors and Mother Nature. This is especially important for those that have been cooped up indoors for months on end due to living in an area of cold winters. As the weather conditions slowly begin to improve, it’s a great time to get back outside.

Spending time in the sun helps increase our level of vitamin D, which, in turn, can dramatically improve mental health and prevent concerns such as anxiety and depression. In addition, taking a walk in the park can be a great way to get in some good, healthy exercise. Exercise boosts endorphins, which can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Exercising can also help prevent weight gain, high blood pressure, and many other health issues.

This March, there is plenty to celebrate!

Taking the time to celebrate even the smaller observances and holidays that occur each month can be very beneficial to your mental health. They can also help you along your path of recovery. Maybe you’re not yet in recovery but are considering taking the steps to get help for substance use disorder. If this is your situation, know that there is hope. Our team at The Kimberly Center is here to help. We’ve guided countless individuals through the detox process and have helped them begin a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life. We want to help you too. Call (855) 452-3683 today to learn more about the types of services we offer. 

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