Regaining Confidence in Recovery

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March Observances Worth Celebrating This Spring
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People who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD) often carry a lot of shame. This may be due to having hidden their addiction from those they loved or made poor decisions and hurt others as a result of their substance misuse. Recovery is a process of healing, and it allows a person to let go of their past shame and begin anew. Nevertheless, the shame associated with substance misuse can cause some people to experience low self-confidence even after they have entered into recovery.

However, regaining confidence in recovery is something that’s absolutely achievable. In fact, you may find that your confidence will become stronger than it ever has been before. This is a process of letting go of the past, working on yourself physically and mentally, and finding hope for the future.

Regaining Confidence by Letting Go of the Past

Living in the past does no good for anybody. Still, many people in recovery tend to dwell on their past mistakes. They may continuously find themselves focused on what they should have said or done differently. Dwelling on the past not only keeps you from being able to work on rebuilding your confidence but also prevents the healing process of recovery.

It is more productive to actually take action to not only better yourself but to make amends for the past. Maybe you do this by apologizing to those you’ve hurt, paying back old debts, or doing volunteer work for your community. Knowing that you have done all that you can to make amends for your mistakes can help to allow you to move forward.

Regaining Confidence by Focusing on Your Health

A lot of people who have struggled with SUD are not in the best place mentally or physically. However, throughout your recovery journey, you have a chance to rebuild these things. Now is a great time to begin prioritizing your health and getting back on track. Start with the basics by trying to get on a healthy routine. This involves getting good quality sleep every night, staying hydrated, and eating regular well-balanced meals. This also involves fitting some sort of exercise into your daily schedule. Maybe you don’t have the time to go to the gym every single day, but you can still fit some sort of movement in, even if it’s a walk around the neighborhood, a bike ride, yoga, or an at-home workout.

Many people who have struggled with SUD are also deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Working with a nutritionist can help you identify what you may be deficient in. They can also help you determine how you can supplement these things through your diet or by taking vitamins.

The more you take care of your health, the better you’re going to feel both inside and out. You’ll also see yourself change physically in a positive way. Knowing that you look your best can provide an enormous confidence boost.

Regaining Confidence by Focusing on Your Mental Health

True confidence goes beyond just physical looks. Learning to love yourself involves accepting your flaws. It also involves choosing to focus on what you do like about yourself more than what you don’t. If you’re someone who is very self-critical, you may find that you’re your own worst enemy. Maybe you constantly tear yourself apart and drag yourself down. Perhaps you repeatedly engage in negative self-talk, even to the point that you begin to believe the things you tell yourself that are not really true.

This is a habit that can be difficult to break, but it can be done by making a conscious effort and being aware of your thoughts. Every time you make a mistake and are about to criticize yourself for it, remind yourself that you are only human. Force yourself to think about something positive about yourself. This could be a talent or skill you have or an accomplishment that you’re proud of.

Celebrate Your Successes

Building confidence also involves taking the time to recognize your success. Maybe you’re used to blowing off your different achievements in life because you don’t want to seem arrogant. However, learning to be proud and actually celebrate these things can help you realize how talented and amazing you really are. Whether it be a promotion at work, a good grade on a test, or landing an important interview, make time to celebrate. You don’t even have to tell anyone if you don’t want to.

Celebrate by treating yourself to a nice meal or buying something that you’ve had your eye on for a while. It is likely that you’ll find that making time for these celebrations makes these accomplishments seem sweeter.

Don’t forget to track your progress by writing down your various accomplishments. This way, whenever you’re feeling down about yourself or unmotivated, you can look back and see how far you have come.

If you are struggling with shame or low-self esteem due to substance misuse, you don’t have to continue to live this way. There is help available, and you can find lasting freedom and greater self-love through the process of recovery. Through recovery, you’ll learn to let go of the past, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and begin to focus on a better and brighter future. If you’re ready to take this step, our team at The Kimberly Center is here for you. Call us at (855) 452-3683 today, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you might have about our services. Don’t wait; call us today to learn more. 

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