Is Choosing Sobriety Selfish?

Alternative Recovery Support Outside of AA
Alternative Recovery Support Outside of AA
June 21, 2018
Relationships: How to Manage Them in Recovery
Relationships: How to Manage Them in Recovery
June 25, 2018

Choosing sobriety is a wonderful gift to yourself. Your loved ones will also appreciate the gift of your sobriety. Recovery is not really a selfish action, but you may need to be a little selfish to stay on the road to recovery. Try not to be put off by the word selfish, but think about it. In order to really recover, you will need to make your recovery program a priority over all else. This may include choosing recovery over your family, friends, and even your own desires.

Recovery is not a one time decision. Recovery is a change of lifestyle and a change of mind. Recovery is not only about abstaining from drugs and alcohol. Recovery involves learning why you use and implementing new ways to cope with stress and triggers. On some level, you need to be selfish about your recovery.

In order to get and stay sober, you need to make your recovery a priority. Prioritizing your recovery means that you have to be involved in a recovery program. Your recovery program needs to be as important as eating. With time, your recovery program will become second nature.

Selfish really isn’t a bad thing sometimes. Your new, sober life should be balanced. Balance is key to avoiding burn out. You will need to incorporate a mix of recovery and self care in order to remain focused and confident. Part of this may involve choosing your well being over external distractions.

Try not to think about this type of selfishness in the same way you would negative selfishness. The two concepts are very different. Don’t feel guilt or shame about making your health and healing a priority. There may even be times in the future that you need to schedule self-care and recovery times. All of this is normal, healthy, and recommended by addiction professional.

Remember, you were in addiction and had to be selfish in order to keep using drugs and alcohol. No it is time to channel the same energy and apply it to your recovery. Take your recovery one day at a time and make your health a priority.

At The Kimberly Center, we care about your recovery. Call us now at 855-4-KCENTER to learn more about what addiction treatment involves. We are committed to helping you or your loved one stop the cycle of addiction with education and treatment. At the Kimberly Center, you can trust that you are in safe hands.

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