Why Some People Seem Suicidal but Don’t Really Want to Die

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Why Some People Seem Suicidal but Don’t Really Want to Die

Mental health issues and addiction can do a real number on someone’s emotional state. Instead of feeling worthy to live a good life, people who poignantly suffer continue to lower their self-regard without really knowing they are doing so. With negative self-talk, using substances to cope, and depressive physical pain, an individual’s self-esteem can become nil and the thought of suicide begins to infiltrate their brain.

Suicide should never be taken lightly even if a loved one does not believe that it could happen. A person who is threatening suicide could really do the inevitable and leave a loved one who was skeptical to feel the devastating remorse after they pass away. The main thing to consider about people who are thinking about suicide is that most do not want to really die. They only wish to stop the torment that has plagued them for long enough.

The truth is that some suicidal people want so desperately to live but just have given up confidence on how they can do it. They feel like they have depleted all their resources and the pain that they encounter on a daily basis has become too much for them to handle. In this way, they feel they have two choices – to continue in their constant misery or to end it all. Suicide becomes that black and white although most really do not want to die they only desire to cure their hopelessness.

You can be instrumental in helping someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts by not be judgmental with your words, expressions, or actions. Instead of thinking of them to be overly dramatic, take them at their word and try to get them the help that they truly need to not hurt themselves permanently. Educate yourself on depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicide so you can better prepare for reaching out to them in a way that will capture their attention.

Stay calm and supportive so they can hear the message that you are presenting to them that they are worth living this life just as much as you. Help them to find a support group or a therapist that could possibly get through to them more than you can. The point is to help them in the way that will be most beneficial to keep them alive.

If you or someone you know are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention hotline at: 1-800-273-8255

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