Why Gratitude is Actually the Best Medicine

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Why is it Important to Practice Recovery Principles?
March 18, 2019
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March 20, 2019

There is nothing like a good belly laugh to make a moment that much more enjoyable. The saying goes that “laughter is the best medicine” but for someone who suffers from drug and alcohol addiction, gratitude is actually the best medicine. Being grateful is essential for every day of your sober life because it is directly related to your level of happiness and the motivation to continue working a program.

Benefits for a person in recovery who practices consistent gratitude can come in a variety of ways. Studies have shown that people who live in a state of gratefulness tend to have more success with long-term sobriety due to a few different reasons.

Gratitude opens a connection to other people.

Instead of being jealous, bitter, suspicious, or intolerant most of the time, gratitude bridges the gap for you to become more mindful of how you will treat others in a better way. Drugs and alcohol can keep you from reaching your full potential in relationships and recovery will teach you how being grateful can enhance your unity.

Gratitude helps to eliminate negativity.

If you feel bad about yourself or do not feel the blessings that are you are receiving from your sobriety, you can turn that misconception around because there is always something to be grateful for. This does not mean that you will not experience self-pity or disappointment just because you got sober. What this means is that you can turn your frown upside down by simply being willing to be thankful for the spiritual gifts you have been given.    

Gratitude allows for progress towards personal goals.

By ridding yourself of all the negative feelings that keep you from being grateful and keep you from hitting your goals, you can make more advancements regarding the things that you are striving for. Relationships, jobs, and recovery all benefit by tweaking your attitude to resemble that you are practicing the principles in all your affairs.

Gratitude just feels good.

Hopefully, by this point, you have experienced genuine gratitude from taking the action. If you have not had a sensation of gratitude, try writing a daily gratitude list or thanking someone for a kind act and meaning it. Laughing and positive actions boost the endorphins in your brain that cause you to get a natural high and feel good so give it a try already.

For these reasons, you should really acquaint yourself with how gratitude becomes the best medicine in your recovery. You were meant to be happy, joyous, and free and gratitude is a great place to start that process.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, The Kimberly Center thrives on helping restore individuals to a healthier, happier, and more productive life free from substance abuse. We hope you choose to begin your new life with us.

Call us today: 855-4-KCENTER (855-452-3683)

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